2015-03-24 15:37
You can charge your Android phone with any micro USB cable.
安卓手机可以用任何一根micro USB线充电。
Image credit: Tested
You can charge most Android phones with any micro USB cable -- you don't need the specific cable from that particular phone manufacturer. That's not the case with Apple; you need the company's proprietary iPhone or iPad charger, called Lightning.
Some Android phones come with a micro HDMI connection.
Image credit: Flickr/KaiChanVongSome Android phones come with a micro HDMI port, which means you can plug your smartphone directly into your TV. This isn't common on most flagships, but some of Motorola's Droid phones come with this connectivity option. The only ports available on the iPhone are its headphone jack and Lightning dock connector.
On the Moto X, you can give your phone instructions without even having to touch it.
用Moto X手机,无需触屏就能完成指令。
Image credit: Business Insider/ Lisa EadiciccoThe Moto X's flagship feature is what Motorola calls its "Touchless Voice Controls." In the device's settings, you can configure it so Google listens for your voice to perform search queries, set reminders, get directions, and more. On most other phones, you would need to hold down a button or tap a microphone icon to launch voice controls. With the Moto X, you can train the phone to answer to your voice specifically when it hears a certain trigger phrase.
Moto X的旗舰特征在于其"无触控语音操作"。你可以更改系统设置,当Google录入你的声音就会运行某个指令,如搜索,设置提醒,导航等等。而大多数其他的手机,你要按住按钮或点击图标才能实现语音操控功能。而你却可以让Motor X手机一听到某个词组就开始回答你的问题。
You can add more storage to Android phones with a micro SD card.