

2018-11-19 10:56



  A new study suggests that people whose mothers had several serious romantic partners tend to follow the same trajectory.


  Some people have their mother’s eyes. And some, it turns out, grow up to have their mother’s romantic history.


  People whose mothers have been married multiple times or have lived with multiple romantic partners are more likely to do so themselves, according to a new study published Tuesday in the journal PLoSOne. The longer people are exposed to their mother’s cohabitation, the more sexual partners they tend to have.


  The authors looked at data from surveys of thousands of Americans followed for 24 years. Data on the fathers’ marriages wasn’t available.


  The study authors write that, rather than economics or socialization, the most likely explanation was genetic. That is, some people have personality traits that make them better or worse at maintaining relationships. They might be depressed, have trust issues, or not regulate their emotions well. They then pass those traits on to their children, who go on to have similarly short-lived relationships.


  Past research has already suggested that personality traits we inherit can influence our romantic relationships. People who are more depressed, for example, have been shown to have less stable relationships, while those who are more extroverted and agreeable tend to be more sought-after spouses.


  “It could be that mothers who have more partners don’t have great relationship skills, or don’t deal with conflict well, or have mental-health problems, each of which can undermine relationships and lead to instability,” Claire Kamp Dush, the lead author of the study and an associate professor of human sciences at Ohio State University, said in a statement. “Whatever the exact mechanisms, they may pass these characteristics on to their children, making their children’s relationships less stable.”

  该研究的主要作者,俄亥俄州立大学人文科学副教授Claire Kamp Dush在一份声明中表示,"那些伴侣较多的母亲可能要么没有很好的恋爱技巧,要么不能很好地处理冲突,抑或有心理健康问题,而这每一个问题都会损坏人际关系,导致(他们感情生活的)不稳定。无论确切的原理是什么,这些母亲都可能将这些性格特征传给他们的孩子,使得他们的孩子的恋爱关系变得不稳定。"


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