
iPhone 8首发“意外”遇冷 你买了?(双语)

2017-09-25 11:19



  The first day of official sales of the new iPhone 8/8 Plus has been met with a lukewarm response from customers.

  新品iPhone 8/8 Plus正式开卖首日遇上了消费者们的冷漠回应。

  The Apple Store in Sanlitun in Beijing was open for business from 8am on Friday, but few were waiting to purchase the new iPhone, and some simply wanted to take a look.


  The situation was more or less the same at the Apple Store’s in the Wangfujing and Xidan shopping areas. The counters for ordering outside the Apple Store in Joy City in Xidan were removed early on through lack of demand.


  According to one member of the in-store sales staff, one reason for the lack of buyers is that many people had pre-ordered online.


  The volume of online purchases via Gome and JD.com is indeed higher. As of 6pm on Friday, sales of the iPhone 8/8Plus on Gome had seen an increase of 317.6% over those of the iPhone 7/7Plus on its first day of sales in 2016. One million pre-orders have been placed via JD.com.

  通过国美和京东网网上购买的数量确实很高。截止周五下午6点,国美上的iPhone 8/8Plus销量较之iPhone 7/7Plus2016年首日销量增加了317.6%。京东网上已有100万预购订单。

  Also, there’s a possibility that some are holding out for the launch of the iPhone X on November 3, which can be pre-ordered from the end of October.

  还有可能的是,一些人坚持等到iPhone X于11月3日发售,iPhone X可在10月末预定。



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