
双语:不到两周墨西哥再遭强震 造成至少139人死亡!

2017-09-20 11:33



  MEXICO CITY (AP) — A magnitude 7.1 earthquake stunned central Mexico on Tuesday, killing at least 139 people as buildings collapsed in plumes of dust. Thousands fled into the streets in panic.


  Dozens of buildings tumbled into mounds of rubble or were severely damaged in densely populated parts of Mexico City and nearby states. Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera said buildings fell at 44 places in the capital alone as high-rises across the city swayed sickeningly.


  The quake is the deadliest in Mexico since a 1985 quake on the same date killed thousands. It came less than two weeks after another powerful quake caused 90 deaths in the country’s south.


  Luis Felipe Puente, head of the national Civil Defense agency, tweeted Tuesday night that the confirmed death toll had risen to 139.

  美国国家民防署(national Civil Defense agency)负责人路易斯?费利佩?普恩特(Luis Felipe Puente)周二晚间在推特上表示,已证实的死亡人数已上升至139人。

  His tweet said 64 people died in Morelos state, just south of Mexico City, though local officials reported only 54.


  Mariana Morales, a 26-year-old nutritionist, was one of many who spontaneously participated in rescue efforts.

  26岁的营养师玛丽安娜·莫拉莱斯(Mariana Morales)是众多自发参与救援行动的人之一。

  She wore a paper face mask and her hands were still dusty from a building that fell in a cloud of dust before her eyes, about 15 minutes after the quake.Morales said she was in a taxi when the quake struck, and she got out and sat on a sidewalk to try to recover from the scare. Then, just a few yards away, the three-story building fell.


  The quake sent people throughout the city fleeing from homes and offices, and many people remained in the streets for hours, fearful of returning to the structures.


  Electricity and cellphone service was interrupted in many areas and traffic was snarled as signal lights went dark.


  The U.S. Geological Survey said the magnitude 7.1 quake hit at 1:14 p.m. (2:15 p.m. EDT) and was centered near the Puebla state town of Raboso, about 76 miles (123 kilometers) southeast of Mexico City.

  美国地质调查局(U.S. Geological Survey)称,这场7.1级地震发生在下午1点14分(美国东部夏季时间下午2点15分),震中位于墨西哥城东南约76英里(123公里)的普埃布拉镇(Raboso)。

  Earlier in the day, workplaces across Mexico City held earthquake readiness drills on the anniversary of the 1985 quake, a magnitude 8.0 shake that killed thousands of people and devastated large parts of the capital.




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