

2019-12-10 17:58




  Some people tend to think that观点一.They point out that 理由一. Additionally, 理由二.(A case in point is 举例.)Therefore,小结。

  On the contrary, other people hold the view that 观点二. They argue that 理由一. What’s more, 理由二.(As an illustration, 举例.)Accordingly, 小结.

  As far as I am concerned, I think 我的观点. The reason is that 理由一. And also,理由二. So, 总结自己的观点.


  Whenever we hear people say that 主题, we’ll instantly have the idea that it is a good/bad thing for 某人. Indeed, 主题 many advantages to 某人 . We can take 例子 as an example. It will benefit 好处一. In addition, 好处二 .

  In the meantime, we must realize those disadvantages of 主题. First of all 坏处一. Second, 坏处二.

  To sum up the above arguments, I think a proper attitude towards 主题 is that 我的观点.


  Nowadays, we have to face a problem that 问题.(Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the problem 问题./It is important for us to问题.)For instance例一.Moreover, 例二.

  People have figured out many ways to solve the problem. (Confronted with 问题, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.) Firstly, 解决方法一.Secondly, 解决方法二.

  Personally, I believe that 我的观点.(To me, I am taking two ways to solve the problem of 问题.)One of them is 方法一.The other is 方法二.By now ways have been working perfectly and efficiently.


  A famous saying goes that 名言或谚语.It means that 释义.

  An example of the case is 举例. 解释. Another case is point is 例二.

  I like the saying-(名言),which encourages me理由.


  From the graph, we know the statistics of 图表概况.It can easily be seen that 揭示含义.

  There are many reasons responsible for this instance, and the following are the typical ones. For one thing, 理由一.In addition, 理由二.The main reason is that 理由三.

  However, this graph may not predict the entire situation in the future. I believe 前景预测.(Above all, we now know about the problem and we should try to find some ways to solve it. For one thing, 方法一.For another thing, 方法二.Still another, 方法三.)


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  • 娱乐
  • 词汇
  • 写作


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