

2019-10-10 13:39



  The terms motherland and fatherland both refer to one’s native country, one’s country of origin, or the home of one’s ancestors. So, what’s the difference between motherland and others fatherland?


  Whether a particular group uses (their language’s equivalent of, if they have one) motherland or fatherland is a matter of culture, tradition, or, in some instances, personal preference.


  In English, fatherland is the older of the two. It’s first recorded in the early 1200s and may be influenced by the Latin patria, meaning “fatherland.” Motherland is attested by the mid-1500s; we can find the French equivalent, terre mere, slightly earlier.

  用英语来说,fatherland是两者中的较大者。它最早纪录出现在1200年代初,可能会受到拉丁语patria(意为“祖国”)的影响。motherland在1500年代中期得到证明。我们可以在稍早的时候找到与法国相当的terre mere。

  Who uses motherland?


  The people of some countries have historically personified their country in feminine ways. To them, their home country is (in translation) the motherland.


  For example, a common personification of Russia is Mother Russia (Matushka Rosa). During the movement for Indian independence of the late 1800s, the concept of Bharat Mata (or Mother India) emerged. Both of these personifications have been linked to ancient mother goddesses.

  例如,俄罗斯的一个常见拟人化是俄罗斯母亲(Matushka Rosa)。在1800年代后期印度独立运动中,出现了巴拉特·马塔(Bharat Mata)(或印度母亲)的概念。这两个拟人化都与古老的母亲女神有关。

  Indeed, languages and cultures have long personified the earth as female. English has Mother Earth (recorded since the 1500s), with antecedents in the Latin Mater Terraand German Mutter Erde. Mother goddesses abound in world culture.

  确实,语言和文化早已将地球化为女性。英语拥有大地母亲(自1500年代以来有记载),其前身是拉丁语Mater Terraand德语Mutter Erde。母亲女神在世界文化中比比皆是。

  Who uses fatherland?


  Some cultures personify their lands as masculine. The German national anthem features verses that translate to “Unity and justice and freedom / For the German fatherland!” (German, Vaterland).


  The Netherlands (Dutch, vaderland), as well as the Scandinavian countries, have similar forms of fatherland. Among many others, people of the Slavic (e.g., Czech, otčina) and Baltic nations (e.g., Estonian, isamaa) also tend to refer to their homeland as the fatherland.


  Even in English in fatherland can convey patriotic connotations. Let’s revisit Latin patria. That word comes from the Latin for “father,” pater, which is related to the English word …

  祖国甚至用英语也能传达出爱国主义的内涵。让我们回顾一下拉丁语中的祖国一词。这个词来自拉丁语“ father”,与英语单词“ patriot”有关。


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