

2019-05-22 14:18



高一范文 高二范文 高三范文 万能模板
高中词汇表 高中英语语法 阅读100篇 英语听力情景


    “Oops.” I fell flat on my face and my books scattered (散落) on the ground. I muttered (咕哝) through closed teeth,” I forgot about that stupid bump (不平的路面)。 I’ve got to remember it tomorrow.”

  Today there was a reason I was 1 . This was the day we had to 2 a poem in class. Although I had only lived in France for a few months, I still had to do all the homework from my classes in school.

  Memorizing the poem had taken me hours, but I still wasn’t 3 if I would remember it when I stood up in front of class.

  This 4 walk to school was always full of 5 . Every day I 6 pass a dog that lived by a church. The huge black animal with long teeth and a loud bark was my 7 . He had once taken me so completely by 8 that I had jumped in front of a car and was nearly 9 .

  But today I had remembered to collect some stones to 10 . He would 11 for all the times he had given me a shock…but the beast wasn’t around today! 12 one time I was 13 to fight him and he was gone.

  My mind 14 back to the poem. This was the first poem I’d tried to memorize.

  When I got to school there were still a good five minutes before class. Then time came for the poem recitals.

  “Would anyone like to 15 ?” asked Madame Thimonier.

  I remembered my dad’s advice: “Just go first, and 16 everyone. Even if you forget part of the poem, you’ll have made a good impression!”

  So I raised my hand. Madame Thimonier looked surprised.

  I walked to the front of the room. I began and soon stumbled (结巴) on the first line but managed to 17 from my mistake and continue. 18 was all coming back to me. Those hours spent memorizing the poem had 19 .

  I kept reciting at a rapid pace. I looked over at Madame Thimonier and saw a look of astonishment on her face.

  I walked back to my desk full of 20 after I had said the whole poem perfectly.

  1. A. forgetful B. strange C. upset D. distracted (分神)

  2. A. recite B. explain C. remember D. analyze

  3. A. clear B. sure C. doubtful D. aware

  4. A. regular B. daily C. long D. short

  5. A. danger B. astonishment C. excitement D. fright

  6. A. needed to B. had to C. hated to D. loved to

  7. A. friend B. enemy C. guide D. fellow

  8. A. surprise B. delight C. trick D. fear

  9. A. run down B. run over C. knocked off D. broken down

  10. A. have fun B. train it C. fight back D. teach it a lesson

  11. A. learn B. see C. regret D. pay

  12. A. The B. This C. Only D. Just

  13. A. about B. ready C. thought D. determined

  14. A. flew B. came C. got D. wandered

  15. A. start B. try C. volunteer D. recite

  16. A. impress B. encourage C. surprise D. show

  17. A. recover B. rise C. free D. break

  18. A. Then B. Thus C. It D. Memory

  19. A. paid back B. paid off C. worked out D. made it

  20. A. confidence B. respect C. pride D. belief


  1~5 DABBC 6~10 BBABC 11~15 DABDC 16~20 CACBC


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