

2019-05-16 14:54



  很多人在写英文邮件的时候,都会以Dear xxx 开头,我们一般认为这是个常规的邮件开头的写作方式,给谁都可以这样写。事实的真相是,Dear只用于很正式、要对他人表示尊敬的场合下,比如投递简历的时候,或者是在正式的商务信函中,如果给一般朋友写邮件也用Dear,就感觉太一本正经了。

  Although dear can come across as stuffy, it's appropriate for formal emails. Use it when you're addressing a person in a position of respect and in formal business missives such as a résumé cover letter.

  大家尤其要注意,用dear作为邮件开头的时候一定要加上人的名字,一般轻易不要用Dear Sir和Dear Madam,这样的说法其实非常的过时,而且也让人感觉你很敷衍,都懒得去查一查你发邮件的人是谁。假如说你是在找不到收邮件的人是谁,可以发Dear Hiring Manager:" 或者 "Dear [Company] Team。这样比Dear Sir和Dear Madam要有诚意多了。

  Not only is this salutation stiff and formal, it shows that you couldn't be bothered to look up a contact name and address someone specific. If you can't find a name, "Dear Hiring Manager:"or "Dear [Company] Team:"will work.

  另一个经常会出现在高中作文里的:To whom it may concern也是一个很尴尬的用法,这种说法特别的正式,但是很少用,大家可不要被中式英语给教坏了。因为这样写你并没有指明这封邮件是给谁的,只用了一个笼统的说法,所以别人会觉得这封邮件和自己无关。

  The same sentiments that apply to Dear Sir or Madam apply here. If your letter opens with To Whom It May Concern, we're probably going to assume it doesn't concern us.

  其实在日常写邮件的时候,更常用的是“Hi”和“Dear”。这种说法可以应付大部分的工作和生活的场合。Hi用在自己朋友发邮件的时候,比如Hi Jason, 是最常用的一种开头。Hello会比Hi更正式一点,工作场合也可以大胆使用。这两种说法都清楚又直接,是比较得体的。

  In all but the most formal settings, this email greeting is the clear winner. It's simple, friendly, and direct. If you want a slightly more formal tone, consider replacing hi with hello.


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