

2019-02-25 11:22



  549.What’s problem,sir?Can I be of assistance?先生,出了什么问题?我能为您做些什么?

  550.This is quite unusual. I will look into the matter. 这是很少有的,我会调查此事的。

  551.I will get you another one. 我再去给您重端一份上来。

  552.I will have them prepare another one. Would you like some drinks while you are waiting?我去让他们重做一份,您是不是愿意边喝饮料边等?

  553.Shall I have the dish cooked again?要不要我去把这道菜再重做一遍?

  554.I will take to the chef and see what he can do. 我去和厨师长商量一下,看看他是否能给予补救。

  555.I’m terrible sorry. I can give you something else if you’d like. That will be on the house,of course.


  556.Would you like to try something else?with our compliments, course. 您是不是想吃点别的什么,这当然是餐厅的一点敬意。

  557.I will see about your order. Would you like some appetizer while you are waiting?我会去看看您点的菜做的怎么样了,您是不是可以先吃点开胃的东西?

  558.I’m sorry,sir. Please excuse her. We are very busy today. 对不起,先生,请您原谅她,我们今天实在太忙了。

  559.I am sorry,sir. We are short of hands today. Would you please have a drink fires. 先生对不起,我们今天人手少,您是不是先喝点什么?

  560.I’m sure everything will be right again next time you come. 相信您下次来时一切都会是您称心如意。

  561.I’m sorry to hear it . please be assured that we will look into the matter. Out chef is very particular.


  562.How about a delicious dessert then,with our compliments?那么,给你送一份美味的甜点,如何?当然是免费的。

  563.I have every confidence in our chef. Just give us another chance,and you will find this restaurant really lives up to its name.


  564.A:My wife’s freezing,waiter. 服务员,我太太冷的不行。

  B:I’m sorry,sir, but I can’t turn up the heat because we have had several complaints that it’s too warm in here. How about putting on your jacket?


  565.A:I don’t particularly care 佛如eating with my jacket on. 我不太喜欢穿着夹克进餐。

  B:perhaps you’d like to sit over there in the corner?there’ less draught. 也许您愿意做到那边的角落里,那里风小些。


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