

2018-12-25 09:51







  * 西非塞内加尔撒哈拉沙漠边境的黑猩猩

  * 南极洲极地荒野的帝企鹅

  * 肯尼亚马赛马拉大草原上的狮子

  * 非洲津巴布韦赞比西河洪泛平原上的杂色狼

  * 印度班达迦丛林中的老虎

  David - The Ruler

  Power plays and politics dominate in this chimpanzee’s dramatic fight to stay at the top. David is a strong and determined leader who rules over his troop of 32 in Senegal, West Africa. He has already led this group for 3 years - most alpha males here don't hold on to the power much longer than this. Ruthless rivals are circling, eager to snatch his crown, and are even prepared to kill him for it. David needs allies – and fast. Who can he trust?

  *snatch 抢夺,夺得;


  Emperor Penguin - The Survivor

  The emperor penguin colony has to battle to survive the cruellest winter on earth – and can only do so through teamwork. Four thousand male penguins join forces in a huddle that creates a giant incubator for their eggs. After 2 months the eggs hatch and the females return to relieve the starving males and feed the new chick. The parents then take it in turns to go and feed and bring back food for their young. And eventually the chicks are old enough to adopt their father’s survival strategy – by forming their own mini huddles when blizzards threaten to freeze them.

  *huddle 挤在一起

  incubator 孵化器


  blizzard 暴风雪;雪暴


  Charm - The Defender

  The future of the pride depends on this mighty lioness. Charm may be the most powerful leader in the history of the Marsh Pride of Kenya’s Masai Mara, but if her cubs don’t make it to adulthood, her dynastic bloodline will be lost. Since the pride’s adult males abandoned the family, she must not only hunt around the clock to feed the pride’s young, but also defend them from marauding hyena clans, huge herds of buffalo, and even other lions. There’s nothing Charm won’t do to protect her pride.

  *mighty adj. 有力的;强有力的;有势力的

  maraud 抢劫;掠夺


  Blacktip - The Rebel

  Family treachery is central to Blacktip’s story. The rebellious, risk-taking painted wolf roams the floodplains and forests in Mana Pools, Northern Zimbabwe, leading an intimidating pack of 30. But the group has become so huge that this alpha female needs more territory. And she’s prepared to make tough choices when it comes to feeding her growing family.

  *rebellious adj. 反抗的;造反的;难控制的

  intimidating adj. 吓人的



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