2018-12-13 15:50
Background Info
My Neighbor Totoro is a 1988 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and animated by Studio Ghibli. The film tells the story of the two young daughters (Satsuki and Mei) of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan.
《龙猫》是一部1988年由宫崎骏(Hayao Miyazaki)编导的日本动画幻想片,由宫崎骏的吉卜力工作室制作。这部电影讲述了一位教授的两个女儿(Satsuki和Mei)的故事,以及她们与战后日本农村友善的森林精灵的互动。
My Neighbor Totoro ranked 41st in Empire magazine's "The 100 Best Films Of World Cinema" in 2010, and the film's central character, Totoro, was ranked 18th on Empire's 50 Best Animated Film Characters list, and is recognized as one of the most popular characters in Japanese animation.
Totoro is as famous among Japanese children as Winnie-the-Pooh is among British ones.
The Independent recognized Totoro as one of the greatest cartoon characters, describing the creature, "At once innocent and awe-inspiring, King Totoro captures the innocence and magic of childhood more than any of Miyazaki's other magical creations."
The Financial Times recognized the character's appeal,"Totoro is more genuinely loved than Mickey Mouse could hope to be in his wildest—not nearly so beautifully illustrated—fantasies."
Miyazaki uses Totoro as a part of his Studio Ghibli company logo. The character also serves as the mascot for the studio. It has made multiple appearances in a number of Studio Ghibli films and video games.
After watching it, I feel that the whole world is much better. This kind of warmth directly touches people's hearts.
I can't help recalling the mottled and brilliant childhood. Although it has already faded away, it is still hidden in the bottom of my heart, which can never be erased.
If you meet a wet monster at a station on a rainy day, lend it your umbrella and you will get a forest pass.
Miyazaki is a genius with a soft heart. He can give this cruel world so much warmth. Totoro is like a childhood dream. When we grow up, we seem to have forgotten it. But when we see its hairy body, we think of all our innocent longing for this world.
Maybe that's how we comfort each other in our loneliness. Maturity is like a disease, and the only cure is probably the longing for the warmth in the world.