
乔嫂深情告白 堪称英文撒狗粮之典范啊!(视频)

2018-07-04 16:00






  "First, he is a gentleman. He is a gentleman in every sense of the word and in a way that seems so rare these days and perhaps even outdated,"

  Amal said adding that George has never forgotten his Kentucky manners.

  The second thing about George that Amal raised was his generosity.

  "He is generous with his time. He finds out about people who have suffered the same health issues as him and he writes to give them advice. He helps young people pursue their passion for film. He'll visit an elderly lady at our local nursing home as he thinks it will make her day."

  “He has a big heart and he puts it into everything that he does, whether it’s making a movie, hosting a fundraiser or quite often these days, pranking our latest guest using a nappy and a pot of Nutella. ”

  “But George is generous in traditional ways too, by donating money to causes he believes in and spoiling loved ones.”

  “Third, George picks good fights. Even before I knew him, I admired George’s commitment to taking up causes like exposing corruption in Sudan before they were visible, and to taking moral stances like opposing the War in Iraq when it was far from popular to do so.”

  Amal's third thing was George's commitment to "good fights." She listed his work in Sudan, work with the UN and more recently mentoring some of the survivors of the Parkland school shooting in their efforts to achieve gun control.

  Amal ended the speech by revealing how before she had met George at the age of 35, she had "become quite resigned to the idea that I was going to be a spinster." She said that from those early days hiding from the press in her London flat she knew she "would never want to be with anyone else."

  "Five years later, none of that has changed. He is the person who has my complete admiration and also the person whose smile makes me melt every time."


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