

2018-04-12 17:09



  Pants这个单词在英国和美国的意思有一丢丢区别,如果你在英国对着别人说“Wow, nice pants!”对方可能会很吃惊,如果他还是暴脾气的话,你甚至会挨削,因为在英国,pants是underpants或者knickers的意思,而在美语里,它就是trousers。所以千万别走在英国的大街上夸赞别人的内裤哦!


  1. keep your pants on = to relax, to remain calm, to not get agitated or excited 不要理解成“穿好你的裤子”,而是叫你放轻松,别紧张别激动。

  比如办公楼的fire alarm响了,不淡定的同事可能会大喊“Oh my God! Oh no! What are we supposed to do? Is there a fire? Where is the exit?”此时你就可以说:“Keep your pants on! Stay calm! I will show you the exit.”

  再比如两个学生讨论第二天的final exam,一位半裸考的孩子说“What am I going to do? I haven't studied for the exam enough. I'm going to fail! My parents will stop sending money. I'll have to quit school.”此时你可以安慰他:“Relax! Keep your pants on! I have a great set of study notes and flash cards. We can drink lots of coffee and stay up all night and cram for the exam. You'll be fine!”

  2. a kick in the pants = a strong message of encouragement or demand 这个动作可没有“踢裤裆”那么狠毒哦,只是鼓励或要求罢了。

  比如两位同事在闲聊业绩表现,A问B:“How did your mid-year performance review go this morning?”B向A抱怨:“Not well. The boss told me that I was under performing and was not using my potential to its fullest. He told me I’d better improve or risk losing my job. A则鼓励B:“I agree with him. You needed a kick in the pants for motivation.”

  再比如一位母亲对着儿子大喊:“Get your lazy butt out of that bed and clean your room. There is no need to live in a disaster area. If you want your allowance, you also need to do your chores. Let's go! Now!”父亲认为这样讲话有点儿harsh, 母亲则认为sometimes her son needs a kick in the pants to get up and get moving.

  3. scare the pants off someone = to frighten someone a great deal这个不太容易理解跑偏,就是“吓尿了”嘛。

  比如两个人在聊占卜板,A问B:“Do you really think that the spirits communicate with us through the board?”B认为光是这个想法就能把他吓个半死,于是他就可以说:“Just the thought of it scares the pants off me.”

  4. wear the pants = to be the person in a relationship who is in control and makes all the decisions 如果别人问你“你家谁穿裤子”,这回应该知道什么意思了吧!

  比如两个人在聊聚会事宜,A问B:“Hey, are you and Martha coming over Friday night?”B可能是个妻管严,他便回答“I'm not sure. I have to check with Martha. She makes all the decisions.”A就可以说“Good to know who wears the pants in your relationship.”

  5. have ants in your pants = to be very excited or impatient about something and unable to stay still 想象一下你的裤子里有蚂蚁,这个感觉就不言而喻了。

  比如你在餐厅点了菜,但是等了好久菜都没端上桌,你就可以问服务员:“What happened to my order? I’ve been waiting for so long and I’m really getting ants in my pants.”







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