

2017-12-07 09:46





  版画 engraving

  彩塑 painted sculpture

  瓷器 porcelain; china

  刺绣 embroidery

  宫灯/花灯 palace/festival lantern

  剪纸 papercutting

  景德镇瓷器 Jingdezhen porcelain

  木/石/竹刻 wood/stone/bamboo carving

  唐三彩 tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty

  中国水墨画 Chinese ink and wash painting

  陶器 pottery

  微雕 miniature engraving

  象牙雕刻 ivory carving

  京剧脸谱facial make-up in Peking Opera

  木刻版画 wood engraving

  木偶戏 puppet show

  独角戏 monodrama; one-man show

  皮影戏 shadow play; leather-silhouette show

  京剧 Peking Opera

  秦腔 Shaanxi Opera

  单口相声 monologue comic talk

  双口相声 witty dialogue

  口技 vocal imitation

  说书 monologue story-telling

  杂技 acrobatic performance

  叠罗汉 making a human pyramid

  特技 stunt

  哑剧 dumb show; mime

  马戏 circus performance


  春节 the Spring Festival

  元宵 sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour

  秧歌 yangko

  年底大扫除 the year-end household cleaning

  灯谜 lantern riddle

  登高 hill climbing

  拜年 paying a New Year call

  鞭炮 firecracker

  年画 (traditional) New Year picture

  舞龙 dragon dance

  春联 Spring Festival couplets

  元宵节 the Lantern Festival

  植树节 Tree-Planting Day

  除夕 New Year's Eve

  端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival

  龙灯舞 dragon lantern dance

  庙会 temple fair

  年夜饭 family reunion dinner on New Year's Eve

  清明节 Tomb-Sweeping Day

  扫墓 pay respects to a dead person at his tomb

  赏月 admire the moon

  压岁钱 money given to children as a lunar New Year gift; gift money

  辞旧迎新 ring out the old year and ring in the new year

  中秋节 Mid-Autumn Day

  重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival

  十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac

  七夕节 Double Seventh Day

  粽子 traditional Chinese rice-pudding; zong zi

  中餐烹饪 Chinese cuisine

  粤菜Cantonese cuisine

  淮扬菜 Huaiyang cuisine

  鲁菜 Shandong cuisine

  川菜 Sichuan cuisine


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  • 词汇
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