2017-10-16 17:08
7. The Mayor镇长(ABC)
With all due respect to Scream Queens’ Hester, this sitcom is Lea Michele’s first starring role sinceGlee. She plays the friend of a young aspiring rapper, Courtney Rose( Brandon Michael Hall) who decides to run for mayor in his small town as a publicity stunt to generate buzz for his career… and is horrified when he ends up actually winning. Any of this sounding familiar?
先说好,不是我们不把《尖叫皇后》中的Hester放在眼里哈,但下面这部剧才真正算得上是女星丽亚·米雪儿在《欢乐合唱团》之后首次担任“主演”。她饰演了一位年轻气盛的说唱歌手Courtney Rose(Brandon Michael Hall饰)的好友,该歌手正准备在家乡小镇竞选镇长,作为公关手段来拉拢人气,以支持自己的说唱事业……然而他却因为担心自己真的误打误撞当上市长而吓破胆。呃,这情节好像有点耳熟啊(论花样黑总统还是要看美帝
首播时间:10.3 周二