

2017-03-22 10:43



  “Hidden Figures” has already outpaced fellow 2017 Best Picture nominee “La La Land,” and now it’s crept beyond a few of last year’s biggest franchise flicks, too.


  Adding in numbers from last weekend, the space-race drama about three black NASA mathematicians has earned more domestically than “Jason Bourne” and “Star Trek Beyond,” both released in July, as The Wrap first reported.

  据The Wrap(美国一家数字新闻机构网站,专注于娱乐和媒体的主要新闻来源网站)报道,这部太空竞赛题材的电影主要讲述了三个就职于美国航天局的黑人女性数学家的故事,加上上周的票房的话,本片已经远超去年同是七月份上映的《谍影重重5》和《星际迷航3:超越星辰》创造的本土票房高潮。

  That just goes to show how a little film about real-life heroes can resonate far better than fictional ones. Even if the fictional ones have tentpole budgets and massive ad campaigns on their side.


  And while “Hidden Figures” was released in December, its position as an Academy Award contender has allowed it to linger in theaters, meaning it’s not quite done racking up ticket sales, which currently stand at $162.9 million domestically. “Jason Bourne” and “Star Trek Beyond” earned $162.4 million and $158.8 million in the U.S., respectively.


  Before last weekend, the film had already topped domestic box-office receipts of “X-Men: Apocalypse,” “Trolls,” “Kung Fu Panda 3” and “Ghostbusters.” That’s in addition to the lead it’s maintained over “La La Land.”


  Starring Octavia Spencer, Taraji P. Henson and Janelle Monae, “Hidden Figures” has proved to be a domestic smash hit. But the film hasn’t pulled the same lead over those big studio offerings on a global scale. Its worldwide box office numbers are a bit over $200 million ― a respectable sum for an original movie, but still far below that of the other films mentioned here. “X-Men: Apocalypse,” for one, nearly reached $550 million in ticket sales worldwide.

  主演Octavia Spencer,Taraji P. Henson和Janelle Monae,这些“隐藏人物”证明了自己,使本片成为国内最大的一匹黑马。但是全球范围内,本片却无力和那些大工作室制作的电影争雄。《隐藏人物》的全球票房刚刚突破两亿美元,当然,对于一部原版电影来说,这个数字已经足够令人肃然起敬了,但相比上文提到的那些影片,这个数字还是太小。举个例子,《X战警:天启》在全球范围内收获票房将近5.5亿美元。

  Familiar franchises like “X-Men” and “Star Trek,” however, typically fare quite well in the lucrative Chinese market. And those generally cost a lot more to make.


  With a mid-sized budget of $25 million, “Hidden Figures” stands as financial evidence that atypical stories (for Hollywood, anyway) starring minority characters are definitely worth telling. The surprising success of Jordan Peele’s “Get Out” ― which illustrates racism in America through the lens of both horror and comedy ― is another prime example, having raked in more than $110 million from a budget of $4.5 million.

  对于耗资2500万美元的中等制作成本电影《隐藏人物》来说,它的票房胜利告诉我们,那些小人物主演的非经典故事(对于好莱坞典型电影来说)绝对值得搬上银幕。另外一部令人喜出望外的代表电影则是JordanPeele的《逃出绝命镇》,导演通过镜头营造惊悚和戏剧,聚焦于美国的种族主义,使这部只有450万美元预算的小制作影片,砍下了 1.1亿美元票房。

  The largest studios may take a while to loosen their purse strings for big-budget films led by people of color and other minorities. But that doesn’t mean those stories can’t be popular.




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