2016-12-12 11:27
9.Life, Animated
This documentary, which follows a young man with autism who learned to communicate with his family through classic Disney films, has been called “heart-warming and heart-breaking all at once”. The result has been praised by the Sydney Morning Herald as “a remarkable, moving, captivating story”. It’s “intelligent and heartfelt without ever being heavy-handed,” according to the Toronto Star. “Director Roger Ross Williams’ storytelling skills are at their finest in an engaging story suffused throughout with emotion that never descends into mawkishness”. Released 1 December in Russia and 9 December in the UK. (Credit: A&E Indie Films)
这则纪录片讲述了一个患有自闭症的男孩用迪士尼经典电影与家人沟通的故事。外界评述:“这部电影非常暖心,同时也会让你伤心难过。”Sydney Morning Herald评价:“这是一部非同寻常,感人肺腑的电影。”Toronto Star评价:“这部电影精彩又感人,但是又不匠气。导演精湛的叙事手法,使你沉浸在丰富的感情之中,但又不会陷入悲伤。”