2016-09-30 11:49
英文中有些单词,读起来和拼起来也许并不完全一样,有很多字母在单词中并不发音,我们称之为"silent letters"。而同学们拼写单词的时候,经常会忘记它们。今天为大家总结一下这些给我们单词拼写造成困难的东西,明白了这些套路,你的英文拼写会更上一层楼~
Let's take a look at some rules for silentletters:
1. The letter B is usually silent when used after theletter M and also before the letter T.
· Examples before M: Jamb, Lamb, Comb,Tomb
· Examples before T: Subtle, Doubt
(M 和 T 前面的字母B不发音)
2. The letter C is silent when used before the letter Zand sometimes when used before the letter L and the letter K.
· Examples before Z: Tzar, Czarina,Czechoslovakia
· Example before L: Muscle
· Examples before K: Block, Puck
(Z,L 和 K 前面的字母C不发音)
3. The letter D issilent when it appears before the letter N and then also before the letter G.
· Example before N: Wednesday
· Example before G: Cadge bridge fridge
4. Let's look at the letter E.
· If E happens to be at the end of aword, it is generally not pronounced.
Examples: Able, Challenge, Bible
· If E happens to occur right before theletter D in simple past tense or past participle forms of verbs, E maysometimes not be pronounced.
Examples: Smuggled, Dragged, Chained
(字母E在开音节中不发音,ed组合时,前方没有t 和d也不发音。)
5. The letter G is silent when it is used before theletters M, N and L.
· Examples before N: Deign, Reign
· Example before M: Diaphragm
· Example before L: Intaglio
(N,M 和 L前的字母G不发音)
6. The letter H is often silent when it precedes theletters E and O, and when it follows the letters G, R and T.
· Examples before A, E, I and O:Hallelujah, Honest, Historical
· Examples after G: Ghost, Ghirken
· Example after R: Myrrh
· Example after T: Isthmus
7. The letter K is always silent when it precedes theletter N.
· Examples: Know, Knock, Knife, Knight
8. The letter W is always silent when it precedes theletter R.
· Examples: write wrist wrong wrap
9. The letter P is always silent when it precedes theletter S.
· Examples: psalm psychic psychology psychiatry