

2016-08-08 13:54



  5. Ben Wyatt and Leslie Knope’s cutest promise:


  "Our vows include Ben Wyatt and Leslie Knope's 'I love you and I like you' from Parks and Recreation. Agreat tribute to my absolute favorite TV show and some really inspirational characters."—Sarah Mosher,Facebook

  “我们的誓词里有《公园与游憩》里本·怀特和莱斯利·诺普说的‘我爱你,我喜欢你’,以此向我最爱的电视剧和一些很激动人心的角色致敬。”——脸书用户Sarah Mosher

  6. A classic line from Toy Story:


  "My husband and I used 'To infinity and beyond' from Toy Story."—jessicaghood


  7. A classic quote from baseball history:


  "We got married on a baseball field, so I recited the beginning of Lou Gehrig's famous speech by saying, 'Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth.'"—ryana4764f34c6


  8. A reference to your favorite video game:


  "We included references to the video game we play together, League of Legends. I play as his support and he plays the ADC, so we included it. His are: 'I need my support with me all the time. Even if I can't carry all the time, I can count on you to pick me up and carry me through the hard times in life so I can get back up and carry us the rest of the way.'"


  "Mine are: 'No matter where we may have to roam, I'll always stand by your side. I'll be here to make sure you’re fed, strong, and safe. I'll be the one to watch your back and the one to jump to help you when you're feeling weak. Whatever we find ourselves against, I know I can make it through anything when I'm with you.'"—TheFerryman


  9. Or quotes from several of your favorite movies:


  "My husband and I had a movie-themed wedding. We got married in a movie theater and had the reception there too. To go along with the theme, our vows were movie quotes strung together. My husband even snuck in 'Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women' from Jaws, his favorite movie."—Missy Bird, Facebook

  “我丈夫和我办了一场电影主题的婚礼。我们在电影院里结婚并招待客人。为了配合这个主题,我们的誓词把电影台词串联在了一起。我丈夫甚至引用了他最喜欢的《大白鲨》里的台词‘来这儿和罗圈腿女人游泳’那句”。——脸书用户Missy Bird


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