
新片推荐:8月大片将至 你最期待哪部?

2016-08-02 10:47



  Southside with You南边有你

  新片推荐:8月大片将至 你最期待哪部?

  As Obama nostalgia already sets in, this take on the soon-to-be-former president’s first date with Michelle will warm the cockles of anyone fearing what might lie ahead. Writer-director Richard Tanner’s debut feature has drawn praise for its casting, with Tika Sumpter and Parker Sawyers going “beyond impression to deliver something real and human-sized” as the First Couple back in 1989. According to Variety, the film “stands as something unique, even audacious in American independent movies: a fact-based presidential ‘prequel’ that seeks to present two iconic world figures as convincing and relatable romantic leads… Whether taken as storytelling, propaganda or an artful hybrid of both, it’s a movie that unabashedly wraps its real-life subjects in a humanising embrace.” Released 26 August in the US and 31 August in France. (Credit: Miramax)


  《南边有你》讲述在1989年的一个夜晚,年轻的巴拉克·奥巴马试图获得米歇尔·罗宾逊(Michelle Robinson)的芳心。他们从芝加哥艺术学院约到去看斯派克·李(Spike Lee)导演的电影《为所应为》。 期间他们在冰淇淋店外浪漫地初吻。理查德·塔尼(Richard Tanne)自编自导这部影片,鲍勃·迪尔(Bob Teitel)担任制片。斯图亚特·福特(Stuart Ford)、马特·杰克逊(Matt Jackson)、格兰顿·帕默尔(Glendon Palmer)以及崔西·宾(Tracy Bing)担任执行制片。 《南方有你》在芝加哥拍摄。


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