2016-05-09 14:59
8. Gi-Ant-Man
The moment when Paul Rudd’s pint-sized shrinking hero Ant-Man massively increased his size was a brilliant moment in the climactic airport battle, bit it wasn’t without precedent. In the source comics, original Ant-Man Hank Pym discovered the same trick decades ago.
看了电影的小伙伴有没有什么想说(tu cao)的呢?英语君给你们整理了一下中外网友的评论来抛砖引玉吧!欢迎在留言里告诉我们你的观影感受哦~(什么?你说“基”就一个字?美队冲冠一怒只为初恋男友?英语君什么都没听见==)
1. It’s a really, really damn good one. Everybody gets ample screen time, especially Iron Man, but Cap is very much the central figure in this story… but let’s be honest and call this movie what it is: not a Captain America solo film, but an Avengers team film. For my money, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is still the best overall MCU film to date, but Captain America: Civil War is the best Avengers team film, proving that the MCU is in great hands with the Russo brothers going forward.
2.This is a movie about friendships and conflict, and what can happen when the latter overwhelms the former. It's about two genuine heroes who can't reconcile their obligations and duties with the friendship they both cherish.
1. 美队的手机,真的只有我被笑到了吗?
2. 一对冤家掐了半个世纪,忙组团忙站队,红蓝大战打得那叫一个相爱相杀,然而我还是站盾冬[doge脸] @回望长安已苍老
3. 什么内战嘛,就是个美队为爱走天涯的故事。我承认——我有罪,小蜘蛛x钢铁侠这对我居然在脑内污出了1000篇养成文,还是嘴炮被家暴模式... @同志亦凡人中文站