2016-03-01 15:15
《丹麦女孩》是由焦点电影公司发行,由汤姆·霍伯执导,埃迪·雷德梅恩、艾丽西卡·维坎德、本·威士肖领衔主演的传记片,影片于2015年11月27日在美国上映 。
【最佳女配艾丽西亚·维坎德(完整版)】 (获奖感言从3′40″开始)
Wow. Thank you so much, the Academy, for this incredible recognition.
I share this with our fabulous crew and cast, and I want to thank, I want to thank Gail and Anneand Nina and Working Title and Focus and Tom. Where are you? My director. Thank you so muchfor your support and belief in me.
And Eddie, there you are. Thank you for being the best acting partner. I couldn’t have done itwithout you. You raised my game. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my dream team which isTheresa, Angharad, Charles, Laura.
I want to thank my friends [unintelligible] and my mom and dad. Thank you for giving me thebelief that anything can happen, even though I would never have believed this. Thank you.”
Alicia Vikander, The Danish Girl