2015-12-21 10:45
Season 6 of “The Walking Dead” aired its mid-season finale on November 29, leaving a few cliffhangers scattered amongst a so-so hour of television. With the holidays upon us, what better time than now to make a wishlist of things we would like to see when The Walking Dead returns on February 14, 2016? (By the way: Thank you for the wonderful Valentine’s Day gift, AMC!)
These ideas are mostly based on what we saw go down in Season 6, episode 8, titled “Start to Finish.”
这个小孩给大家填了不少麻烦。当然,我可以对他有些同情心保护他对亚历山大小镇外面潜在的一切事物的恐惧[黄1] ,毕竟他只是个孩子。但是极限是在第六季第八集末尾时候开始喊在他前一步走着的他妈妈。我觉得卡萝真的需要像待利兹那样惩罚萨姆。
This kid has gotten so annoying. Sure, I can try to be compassionate and defend his fear of everything that lurks outside Alexandria’s walls. He’s just a kid, after all. But the breaking point came at the very end of Season 6, episode 8 when he started calling for mommy, who was a foot ahead of him. I think Carol needs to pull a Lizzie on Sam.