2015-10-22 11:02
第二,找那种每天的breaking news或者你熟悉背景的新闻,在全球化的今天,任何国家报纸的top stories都跑不掉那几件事儿,所以这篇新闻的类似中文报道你很可能看过或者随手可以搜来看,因此你对此报道会有一个背景知识,便不会被不认识的单词或句子挫败失去读下去的勇气。
这类新闻最多,找到任何一张报纸(纸质或APP)的top news一般都是和政治相关。例如,最近最火的新闻就是习总书记访美了。若让你写一篇关于这个事件的英文作文或邮件,别说200字,就是50字都挠头吧。估计憋了第一句“Recently, President Xi has visited the United States”,就再也卡不出第二句了吧。
让我们看看New York Times的记者是怎么写的:
After his appearances at the United Nations and a six-day, cross-country journey, President Xi Jinping headed home on Monday. Looking back at the trip, the most memorable moment and maybe the most important was watching $2.5 trillion of American corporate power pay homage to the Chinese president。
后来的一句话更可爱,这位记者说——“These executives are not accustomed to being beckoned ——they turn down invitations to business summits, the World Economic Forum and more. But Mr. Xi beckoned, and they came. The allure of being in Mr. Xi’s orbit was clearly too tantalizing for the executives to miss.”
beckon原意为“召唤”,turn down直译就是“反过来”,想象着古时候皇上不想见某个嫔妃就把她的牌子turn down, 意味“拒绝”之意。allure是“诱惑”、“吸引”之意。“being in somebody’s orbit”直译为“进入谁的轨道”。“too….to…”意为“太….而不能…..”。
这才是英文写作啊! 相比我们只会写pre-school的孩子水平的主+谓+宾式的简单英语,是否深感“路漫漫其修远兮”?英语写作特别讲究准确、凝练。短语的正确运用比使用某个词汇更能准确表达意思,句型的灵活使用能让文章更加生动。想要提高,除多读多背高人文章外,别无他法。正如古时作诗,只有熟读唐诗三百首,才能下笔如有神。
《纽约时报》一篇名为A Tradition for New Mother in China, Now $27,000 a Month的文章一开头用描述性的语言说——Wearing gray pajamas and furry purple slippers, Li Rui relaxed on a couch in a plush suite where she had spent the last month since giving birth to her son—without ever going outside.(穿着一身灰色睡衣,紫色毛绒拖鞋,Li Rui在一间豪华套房的沙发上休息,这个地方从她生了儿子后就呆着,一个月了,哪里都没有去。)这实际就一句话,句子主要结构就是“Li Rui relaxed on a couch”。Wearing引导的短语生动描写了她的穿着,再加上一个where引导的从句和without引导的伴随状语,我们已经可以勾勒出整个场景了。
这篇新闻接着说——For more than $900 a day, a personal nanny had taught her breast-feeding techniques. A chef had prepared six meals a day intended to restore her physical constitution. And a moxibustion practitioner had wafted smoking sticks of mugwort over her body, part of the Chinese therapy sessions to help prevent disease.
月嫂可以翻译为personal nanny, breast-feeding 是母乳,restore her physical constitution可用作恢复体力,moxibustion是艾灸。关于艾灸治疗的描述写得非常好,waft smoking sticks of mugwort over her body,指拿着冒烟的艾灸小棒拂过她的身体。
第三段说:Such opulent sequestration is becoming the gold standard in postpartum recovery, inspired by a Chinese confinement custom known as “sitting the month,” when new mothers must stay indoors to restore their energy.
“opulent sequestration”可以理解为“奢华的隔离”,opulent在这里是不是比luxury, rich什么的要更准确些呢?postpartum recovery是产后恢复,“sitting the month”可以译为坐月子,
It’s the height of summer, but “winter is coming”to Spain. For those who may not be well-versed in the lingo of the Seven Kingdoms, that’s a reference to Game of Thrones——the HBO series filmed partly in Spain. It’s hugely popular here, dubbed over as Juego de Tronos. Fans are flocking to Game of Thrones-themed tours of Spain, and they’re also looking for plot parallels in real-life Spanish politics.
“winter is coming”——所有《权利游戏》粉挂在嘴边的lingo(术语,行话)。这篇文章用be well-versed, 而不是我们平时只会用的be well-known。 dub over是配音。Juego de Tronos 是权利游戏的西班牙语。Be flocking to有一句准确的中文成语可以翻译,意为“趋之若鹜”。
HBO got unprecedented access to the country to shoot the show’s fifth season in Seville’s ancient Moorish palace, the Alcázar, for about a month last fall. It may or may not be a coincidence that the U.S. ambassador to Spain, James Costos, is a former HBO executive.
“get access to”是指获得进入什么的许可,我曾遇到一个中国孩子图书证失效进不去图书馆,急得更管理员说 “I cannot go into…” 要是他当初学会 “get access to”这个短语该多好,就不会让人看低了我国英文教育的水平。
美国作家Rita Mae Brown曾说,Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.读报看新闻是一种接近英文文化的方式之一,它让我们更好的理解另一个语言体系的人,以及了解、描述及评价我们的世界。
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