

2015-10-16 15:16



  The performances of the supporting actors are no less excellent. The serious dedication of the castcan be clearly felt and many netizens have posted how they have been moved to tears by certainscenes. Those dramas that try to pull a fast one by counting on an actor’s popularity and looks tocause audiences to ignore a show’s lame performances and poor storylines could never have suchan emotional impact.


  It’s the little things


  The dedication of the crew behind the camera is also apparent in all the little details that can beseen in each scene. Be it costumes, props, cinematography, dialog or the show’s music, it’s clearthose working on the show have put their heart into their work.


  There is actually a long list of things worth talking about. Though based on a novel without aspecific historical background, the show goes out of its way to accurately portray the clothing andeven etiquette followed in ancient China. The authenticity of the traditional culture on displaydemonstrates that the show has done its homework. It should come as no surprise that viewersare calling the show a textbook example of what a period series should be.


  This attention to detail is also reflected in the show’s stage setting. As Li Xue, one of theproduction’s directors told qq.com, major changes were made to the house where Mei Changsulives to better fit the atmosphere of the show. The crew planted a bamboo garden and built apebbled courtyard path themselves. According to Li, nothing appears in the drama that hasn’tbeen changed in some way by the crew.


  In recent years many period series have tended towards simplistic plots, absurd storylines and acomplete disregard for history, while also relying on shocking twists and cheap special effects tocatch audience’s attention. Standing out from its peers, Nirvana in Fire has not only attractedattention, but has also turned a new page for future TV productions.


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