

2015-09-01 16:35




  Mozart performed throughout Europe in Prague, Vienna, and Paris, yet a special connection exists between Mozart and Salzburg, Austria where he spent his early years. In this mountain town setting, Mozart's music truly began to take shape.

  To celebrate his 250th birthday this year, the city of Salzburg selected as its ambassadors a chamber orchestra boasting sixteen players and no conductor. Explore chamber music and Mozart's "Salzburg" Symphony.

  What makes chamber orchestra music unique? How do you best listen to it? Lawrence discusses the nuances of a "conductorless" ensemble, from the perspectives of both a player and a conductor. Should great composers' music be performed and possibly updated by a modern orchestra, or should it be played on the instruments of the time and in the manner originally intended?

  Travel back in time to Salzburg under the Hapsburg Monarchy and tour the city through a slide lecture with Phoebe Busch, historian and German instructor at University College. Attend the Salzburg Chamber Soloists concert at the Newman Center for the Performing Arts with a newfound appreciation of the time, place, and the music.


  Prague n. 布拉格

  Salzburg n. 萨尔茨堡(奥地利城市)

  Austria n. 奥地利

  ambassador n. 大使

  orchestra n. 管弦乐队

  boast v. 自夸,以有……而自豪

  soloist n. 独奏者

  Hapsburg Monarchy 哈布斯堡王朝君主政治

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