2015-09-01 14:35
Windmill at Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.
The city of Williamsburg, Virginia, is one of the most popular historical attractions in the United States. Established in the 17th century, it was for a while the capital of the colony of Virginia and the site of several historical events during America's Revolutionary War. Our reporter recently visited Williamsburg for a look at its colonial past and events leading to the U.S. Independence Day celebrations.
The streets of Williamsburg look just like they did in the summer of 1781, when British soldiers occupied Williamsburg toward the end of the Revolutionary War. The British only stayed for a week, then marched out of town on July 4th, five years to the day after the American colonies had first declared their independence. Tim Suthpin is the director of historic programs at colonial Williamsburg.
"This is probably the beginning of what we call Americans, right here," said Tim Suthpin. "We started as a British colony; we became more removed, detached from that British ancestry and we became Americans right here in Williamsburg."
Three hundred fifty actors and re-enactors are creating the British military presence in town - setting up camp and harassing the colonists, to recreate the atmosphere of 200 years ago.
The annual event attracts thousands of tourists and history buffs every year. Carl Kavanagh and his family came from New Jersey for the celebrations.
"You're walking in the footsteps of George Washington here, you're seeing everything that they saw," said Carl Kavanagh. "You're experiencing the heat, the smells and the buildings. Everything about how it was two, three hundred years ago. It's a great opportunity to gather that information and enjoy it at the same time."
Colonial Williamsburg consists of 120 hectares of authentic and restored buildings and landmarks dating to the Revolutionary War and even back further - to the first British settlers who started a plantation and later built the colony. After the war, the town fell into disrepair but was rebuilt by billionaire John D. Rockefeller in the early 20th century, to preserve the atmosphere and ideals of 18th century America. Clyde Haulman is the city's mayor:
"I think a lot of people think of Williamsburg and think it's a museum," said Clyde Haulman. "Well, it is but it's a living museum. You go down the street and you participate in the revolutionary city, that's the best that a museum does, then go to the farmer's market, you'll see small town America. You have all those things here."
The three million visitors who fill the streets of Williamsburg every year are immersed not only in early American life but in the struggle of a small, new country to find its own identity.
"I think it's awesome that a place like this exists, that the children and everybody in America and throughout the world can come and see where democracy began and where it developed over the course of history and the course of time," said Carl Kavanagh.
Besides being an historic site, Williamsburg is also the home of one of America's oldest universities, the College of William and Mary. It is part of an historic triangle that includes the site of the 1607 Jamestown settlement and the Yorktown battlefield, where the Revolutionary War ended. Most importantly it's where early Americans decided to build a new society based on equality and liberty.
位于美国弗吉尼亚州东部的威廉斯堡,是美国的一座著名历史名城和旅游胜地。威廉斯堡原名为Bushwick Shore, 始建于1661年。至140年后, 为纪念一个著名的工兵 Colonel Jonathan Williams, 该地被重新命名为Williamsburgh。但第一任市长上任后将“h”去掉,成为如今的Williamsburg。在1699年就成为当时全美13个殖民地(即独立后最初13个州)中最富裕发达的弗吉尼亚的首府,同波士顿、纽约和费城并列为当时全美的政治、社会和文化中心。
事实上,今天美国领土上成功存续下来的最早的英国殖民定居点,在维吉尼亚州的詹姆斯镇 (Jamestown)。1607年,105个英国男人分乘三艘船横渡大西洋,在詹姆斯河边建立了定居点。这比“五月花”号抵达麻省要早13年。事实上,“五月花号”的乘客原本也是跟维吉尼亚公司签的合同,是大风暴把他们送到了麻省。明年,就是维吉尼亚殖民地建立400周年了,维吉尼亚的汽车牌照上都骄傲地印着:1607 2007,四百周年纪念。
今天在这里,游客还可以看到总督官邸,州议会大楼。威廉斯堡小镇的格局跟华盛顿很类似。一条东西向的马路,大约相当于华盛顿的宪法大道或者独立大道;路的东头是议会大楼,相当于国会山,而且也叫Capitol;另外一条南北向的很短的马路,尽头是州长官邸,相当于白宫。官邸前面是一片草地,大致相当于华盛顿的National Mall。
比较重要的建筑其实是Capitol,这是一个H型建筑,一边是州议会的上院,叫 Governor's Council,由英国国王指派的维州士绅组成;另一边则是民选的House of Burgesses,这是美洲殖民地第一个民选的立法机构(当然,这种议会的传统来自英国),杰斐逊等人就曾在此地激辩。在下院的桌子上,摆着乔治·梅森起草的《维吉尼亚宣言》的复制品。这部文献影响深远。在美国宪法通过后,乔治·梅森推动美国宪法第一修正案既法案的通过,这个修正案以及嗣后法国大革命的《宣言》均以维州宣言为蓝本。有趣的是,在上院的楼下,是最高法院。走到那里是,讲解员问游客,你们觉得这里有什么不对之处吗?听众马上说,最高法院怎么在国王这边?呵呵,美国人民觉悟真高啊。讲解员说,这就是我们要革命的原因。
廉斯堡还有几栋比较重要的建筑,比如杰斐逊的老师家,就在总督官邸旁边,独立战争期间,华盛顿曾将这里作为指挥部。还有一个兵营,是1775“威廉斯堡火药事件”发生地。维吉尼亚民兵领导人Patrick Henry在这次事件中在里士满说出了“不自由,毋宁死”的名言。
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