
世界之旅 世界城市博览之Johannesburg (South Africa)

2015-08-13 15:03



  It is known as the City of Gold, a sprawling megacity (百万人口以上之城市)on the South African rand(边缘)that seems to radiate endlessly beyond the gleaming urban core.

  Johannesburg exists largely because of the gold first found here in the 1880s by an Australian prospector(勘探者,探矿者)。 He'd come across the richest gold reef ever found, and more than a century later, gold is still being extracted(开采) from mines around the city.

  The jobs and wealth those mines have generated have made Johannesburg the country's largest city, with six million people. A lot of that growth has happened on the city's outskirts, where unemployed rural blacks in search of jobs came and established what became known as townships - in a lot of cases little more than massive squatter (新开垦地的定居者) camps. The most famous of these is Soweto(索韦托), and tours there are now available to take visitors to a distinctly different part of greater Johannesburg.

  Those who have prospered live in a cosmopolitan city that in areas seems to ooze(渗出;冒出)wealth, and there are many fine galleries, shopping centres and restaurants to choose from.

  There's also the popular Rosenbank and Randburg Waterfront nightclub districts, the Wanderer's Club cricket grounds and Ellis Park, where the home team Springboks captured the 1995 Rugby World Cup and sent a country into delirium(极度兴奋,发狂)。

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