漫威电影最佳好评排行榜 你最爱哪一部?
2015-07-22 09:58
2. Guardians of the Galaxy (Metacritic Score: 76)
Guardians of the Galaxy delivered a breath of fresh air to the often overly-serious world of comic book movies. A collection of scruffy underdogs with an unending barrage of witty jokes make it an easy film to fall in love with. An upbeat catchy soundtrack that captures the movie's energetic spirit catapults Guardians to its status as a new classic.
《银河护卫队》给通常严肃的漫画题材改编的过于严肃的世界带来了 一丝新鲜的空气。这部电影吸引人的地方在于很多弱者说着无尽的诙谐的笑话。热情洋溢的电影配乐传达了整部电影的活力使之成为了新一代的经典。
1. Iron Man (Metacritic Score: 79)
第1 名:钢铁侠(综合评分:79)
The film that kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe remains king of the pack. The first Iron Man simultaneously revitalized Robert Downey Jr.'s career and, along with Batman Begins, made comic book movies very cool again. Ten movies later, Iron Man is still the Marvel movie to beat when it comes to worldwide critical acclaim.
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