
《美国队长3》2016年上映 马丁·弗瑞曼加盟

2015-07-21 09:32



  Martin Freeman on His Secret 'Captain America: Civil War' Character: 'He's Ambiguous'


  The actor says his character in the upcoming superhero movie will work for the American government and is neither a hero nor a villain.


  New details related to Martin Freeman's secret role in "Captain America: Civil War" have emerged. The actor hinted at what kind of character he'd play in the upcoming film during a chat with Italia's BadTaste.It.

  有关马丁·弗瑞曼在美队3中饰演的神秘角色的新的细节已经出现。在接受 Italia's BadTaste.It. 访问时,潮爷暗示了他会以什么样的身份出现在即将到来的影片中。

  "He works for the American government. He works in conjunction with the superheroes, and certain agencies that help to tame the superheroes' power, I suppose," Freeman said. "So you're not quite sure which side he's on. It looks a little bit like he's playing one game when actually he's playing another."


  Without giving specific name, he described his character as "ambiguous." He explained, "It's the kind of character I like because it's ambiguous and because you don't know whether he's good or bad. I like that area that isn't black or white, I like the grays, because I think there's just more fun to be had in not playing one obvious line."


  "Captain America: Civil War" is opening in U.S. theaters on May 6, 2016. Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo from a screenplay by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the film also stars Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen among others.


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