

2015-04-08 11:30



  New Traveler‘s Guide

  Hope. Fear. Excitement. Traveling for the first time provided me with wave of conflicting emotions. When I left to travel the world, I didn’t know what to expect. I wasn’t well-traveled and was as green as they come.


  A big sign hung over my head that said “I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’M DOING.”


  Now, with ten years of travel under my belt, I know better. If I could sit my younger self down before he left for his world trip, I would give him this advice:

  现在,10年过去了,我已经经验丰富。如果能重回过去,我会给自己如下建议:Don’t be scared.

  Don’t be scared.


  Fear is a powerful deterrent. Taking the leap into the unknown is scary, but you aren’t the first person to travel the world. You aren’t discovering new continents or exploring uncharted territories.


  There is a well-worn travel trail out there and people to help guide you along the way. If millions of people can make their way around the world each year, so can you.

  早有一条前人走过无数遍的的老路,途中的人也会帮助着你、指引你。每年有数百万的人能成功,你也可以。Don’t live by your guidebook.

  Don’t live by your guidebook.


  Guidebooks are useful for a general overview of a destination, but you’ll never find the latest off-the-beaten-path attractions, bars, or restaurants in them. For the best stuff, connect with locals to find out what is hot right now. Ask other travelers or the hostel staff for recommendations.

  指南书对目的地的大致概括是很有用的,但是你靠书是永远找不到那些鲜为人知的好去处的,比如景点、酒吧或者餐馆。最好多和当地人多联系,问问他们正当下哪里很火爆。也可以问问其他旅人或者旅社员工有什么好推荐。Travel slow.

  Travel slow.


  It can be tempting to try to see it all. With limited vacation time, we are always trying to squeeze everything in – rushing through 20 cities in 20 days, or 100 countries on our round-the-world trip. In the end, all we have to show for it are photos, stress, and a whirlwind of experiences but no real knowledge of the places we went.


  Don’t rush your trip. Make time to spend a relaxing day in the park or just sitting in a café people watching. Slow down. It gives you time to drink deep from a culture and take it all in.

  不用急。花点时间在公园里度过一个放松的日子,或是坐在咖啡馆里你看我看。慢慢来,深入了解一个文化并接纳它需要时间。Get people’s contact information.

  Get people’s contact information.


  You will make a lot of friends on the road. Some of them will become lifelong friends. But sometimes you don’t get their contact information and you regret it forever.


  Facebook and e-mail make it easy to stay in touch with people for years after your trip, so get people’s contact information! Don’t let your new friends fade into memory.

  脸书和邮件会让你和旅途中认识的朋友多年保持联系,所以记得留下别人的联系方式!不要让你的新朋友在你的记忆中渐渐淡忘。You don’t need a lot of gear.

  You don’t need a lot of gear.


  Pack light. You’ll have less to carry. Buy a small bag so you aren’t tempted to pack everything under the sun. If you truly need something, you can pick it up as you go.


  Trust me, you won’t need as much gear as you think!

  相信我,你需要的东西远比你想的要少。Get a phone.

  Get a phone.


  You’ll meet a lot of people on the road who you will want to see again. While Facebook can be handy for staying in touch, it isn’t ideal for planning meet-ups when people are constantly on the move. Did your friends get the message? Will they be there?! Who knows!


  Cheap phones and SIM cards are available worldwide. Invest in one so you can stay in touch with your new friends. That way you won’t wonder if you were stood up or if your friends just changed their plans and went to Rome.





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