
《超能陆战队》暖男"大白" 十大萌点 你也想要一个吗?

2015-03-05 13:58




  The movie Big Hero 6 has delighted audiences of all ages and thebiggest reason for its success is the film's highly-squeezablehero, Baymax. The soft-spoken robot begins the story as apersonal healthcare assistant and ends it fully weaponized,morphing into a rocket-fueled superhero thanks to his newest buddy, Hiro Hamada. These are thetop 10 coolest things about him:

  令男女老少都喜笑颜开的《超能陆战队》可谓大获成功,而影片中超大号充气机器人“大白”正是其最大卖点。言语温柔的大白最开始只是个私人医疗伴侣,不过在好朋友小宏的改造下,大白 “全副武装”,成为了“一飞冲天”的超级英雄。下面就一起来看看大白最酷的十件事吧!

  10. He Comes With His Own Docking Station 自带“压缩包”

  Baymax can be stored compactly and out of the way as he deflates into his own personal dockingstation about the size of a toolbox. He's a practically-built piece of artificial intelligence.


  9. He Can Diagnose Any Health Problem 诊断一切疾病

  Baymax was designed by Hiro's older brother, Tadashi, to “heal the sick and injured” as a personalhealthcare assistant robot. So his diagnosis capabilities are seemingly endless. He's equipped with ahappy face diagnostic scale, defibrillators in his hands, and an admirable bedside manner. He'll tellyou, "There, there, it will be alright" if you are his "patient" and he won't leave you alone untilyou're well again.


  8. He Loves Animals 热爱动物

  Baymax is a protector of all life forms and that includes Mochi, Aunt Cass' Calico housecat. He likescuddling up with the little furball and ensuring his safety.


  7. His Soothing Robot Voice and Face 治愈系的语气和面庞

  Not only does Baymax heal the sick, he does it with a relaxing voice that patients of all ages wouldfind comforting. Voiced by Scott Adsit, Baymax will follow instructions, but he's not immune to theoccasional robot misunderstanding. He's also simply designed so he's incredibly easy to love, likeHello Kitty.

  大白不仅能治病,还拥有令所有病人都听着舒服的治愈系嗓音。大白由斯科特•埃德希特配音。他能听从指令,不过偶尔也会产生机器人普遍都有的误解。他拥有极简的外形设计,像Hello Kitty一样讨喜。


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