

2015-02-06 14:29



  Berlin gets ready for 65th Berlinale filmfestival





  The Countdown has started for the 65th edition of the Berlin International Film Festival. Anticipationand excitement is gradually building up in the German capital. Let's hear more from Berlinaledirector Dieter Kosslick.

  In the face of frosty temperatures, Berlin is still in the hotspot hosting the 65th International FilmFestival with world premieres and mega stars.

  "We have these 400 films and we have 23 films at the red carpet for the Berlinale competition. AndI hope everybody will show up from James Franco to Robert Pattinson, to Nicole Kidman, toNatalie Portman, to also the German stars in these films. And yeah, I am waiting for them andnormally they show up," Berlinale director Dieter Kosslick said.

  Disney's live-action "Cinderella" is among the hugely anticipated blockbusters this year. The film hassomething to live up to. Disney's first original animated feature "Cinderella" won the "Golden Bear"award for best musical film and the Audience Award at the first Berlinale in 1951.

  "We have wonderful highlights, for example at the end of the Berlinale we show the premiere of'Cinderella', which was a film that won 1951, some 65 years ago, the audience award. That was ananimation film in 1951, now we have the live action film with big stars, Cate Blanchett and KennethBranagh is the director of the film," Kosslick said.

  The Berlinale film festival is more geared toward arthouse films, which it will have aplenty fromdirectors including Terrence Malick, Peter Greenaway and Wim Wenders. In all, 23 films are beingscreened in the main selection of which only 19 are in contention for winning the prestigious"Golden Bear".

  "Berlin is the first big European film festival of the year and it is the first big international film festivalof the year, because Sundance is predominantly about American Indies. It does have aninternational strand, but it doesn't have the premieres that we have here. So, here we have thenew Werner Herzog, the new Andrew Hague, the new Wim Wenders, whereas in Sundance youhave American directors. And I think this for an international audience is very exciting," film criticKaleem Aftab said.

  The two-week long movie extravaganza is set to kick off with the world premiere of Spanish-French-Bulgarian co-production "Nobody Wants the Night".

  This year's jury will be presided over by the American director, screenwriter and producer DarrenAronofsky, who together with members of an international jury will award the coveted Golden andSilver Bears. The award ceremony will be held on February 14 at Berlinale Palast, featuring also ascreening of the winner of the Golden Bear.

  重点解析 Key Phrases/Words

  1. Countdown n. 倒数读秒,倒计时,大事临近的时期

  2. hotspot 热点,热区

  3. mega adj. 宏大的;精彩的

  4. blockbusters n. 重磅炸弹,了不起的人或事

  5. prestigious adj. 受尊敬的,有声望的

  6. predominantly adv. 占主导地位地,显著地

  7. extravaganza n. 内容狂妄的作品,盛大表演

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