
苹果新机iPhoneXS、XSPlus曝光 你会买单吗?

2018-08-06 10:33



  根据 CNET 的报道,新款 iPhone 的发布时间可能为 9 月 12 日(美国时间)左右。恰好 iOS 12 也在这个时候发布,所以该消息的准确度非常高。

  外媒MobileFun发布了三款新iPhone的机模上手视频,并指出三款iPhone中5.8英寸OLED版本名为iPhone XS,6.1英寸LCD版本为iPhone 2018,6.5英寸OLED版本命名为iPhone XS Plus。

苹果新机iPhoneXS、XSPlus曝光 你会买单吗?

  Rumor: It could be called the iPhone 11, iPhone X Plus, or the iPhone X2 -- but probably not the iPhone 9

  According to some analysts, Apple may revert to its "S" series nomenclature, giving us an iPhone XS (perhaps a fitting homophone to "excess") and XS Plus or perhaps the numeric equivalent, with the X2.

  That noted, there are some very rich design opportunities with the two ones of an iPhone 11. And then there's the possibility of Apple doing away with numbers entirely -- at least for the lower-end, non-X model -- similar to the company's approach with its entry-level tablet, which is now just the "new iPad" every year.

  Regardless, we do believe that Apple effectively killed the iPhone 9 when it brought out the iPhone X alongside the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus in September.(FROMCNET )


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