
英国推出折叠房 史上功能齐全的建筑(图)

2017-07-31 14:48



  We love a good transportable prefab that can be upped and moved, but a building that builds itself at the touch of a button? Now that’s something else all together.


  United Kingdom-based company Ten Fold Engineering has developed a ready-to-use, relocatable structure that self-deploys (in both directions) and can be used for a variety of functions including as mobile homes, offices, clinics, shops, exhibitions, restaurants, and schools.

  英国公司Ten Fold Engineering已经开发出一款随时可用、移动自如、能自行朝向任意方向展开的建筑,这所建筑功能繁多,可以用作移动住所、办公室、诊所、商店、展览馆、餐厅或是学校。

  Requiring no machinery, labor, or a foundation, Ten Fold’s buildings unfurl like an accordion in under ten minutes and just as easily fold back in on itself for easy transport on a truck bed. All that’s required is a hand-held, battery-powered drill.

  Ten Fold的这所建筑不需要机器、工人、地基,能像手风琴一样展开,仅花费十分钟。折叠起来也同样简单,它能自行折叠,运输时只需放在货车车厢。所用工具只有一把手提式电钻。

  Even more impressive is its size. Each structure pops open to three times its transport size to 64 square meters, or approximately 689 square feet. There’s even 20 square meters (about 215 square feet) of space to store furniture or other equipment in transit. Internal walls can be moved and arranged according to preference, making it highly adaptable. They can also be stacked and have the potential to go fully off-grid by way of solar panels.


  Ten Fold’s structures start at £100,000, or approximately $129,000.




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