2017-04-12 10:14
If all goes well, Brin won't age, either, or not past a certain point. Slowing or stopping that process is the current focus of biochemist Ned David, co-founder of Unity Biotechnology, who is 49 but, according to Friend, looks 30. The scientist's youthfulness is part of his appeal, writes Friend.
如果一切进展顺利,布林将不会变老,或者,不会突破某个年龄界线。 生化学家奈德•大卫目前将其研究的重点放在延缓或停止衰老进程,身为统一生物技术机构的联合创始人,他虽然已经49岁了,但在弗兰德眼中,他看起来只有30岁而已。弗兰德写道,奈德的这种青春状态,也是他需求的一部分。
Investing in bio-tech breakthroughs is one way the super rich are trying to stay young and healthy indefinitely. Others in the community are settling for cryogenic freezing, in the hopes that they can be thawed once regenerative science has sufficiently advanced.
Alcor CEO Max More poses in front of the dewars
CNBC reported in 2016 that "thousands of people around the world have put their trust, lives and fortunes into the promise of cryonics." At that point, at Alcor's center in Scottsdale, Ariz., nearly 150 individuals had elected to preserve either their heads ($80,000) or their entire bodies ($200,000) in liquid nitrogen.
If there is a way to "solve death," as Friend puts it, whether through cryonics or gene therapies, a kind of vampirism in which Silicon Valley billionaires "end up being sustained by young blood" or more wholesome methods such as good nutrition and medicine, some combination of the above or perhaps an actual sorcerer's stone, the next generation of well-funded alchemists is determined to find it.
As a 30-year-old start-up founder confidently tells Friend, "The proposition that we can live forever is obvious. It doesn't violate the laws of physics, so we will achieve it."