苹果手机10大不靠谱瞬间 你中枪了吗?
2016-03-17 10:51
作者:Brian Galindo
7. When your heart sinks 'cause your iPhone isn't charging...
7. 当你因苹果手机充不了电而感到沮丧的时候……
8. When you realize the cheapest accessory is also the only one that never breaks...
8. 当你意识到最便宜的配件也是唯一一件从不会坏的配件是这个的时候……
9. When you're trying to send a text and all of a sudden your signal drops for no reason...
9. 当你正试图发一条短信,却突然无缘无故地没有信号的时候……
10. When you don't realize you have your camera on front-facing mode and are haunted by what you see...
10. 当你没有意识到相机开启了前置拍摄模式,而你被自己看到的样子所困扰的时候……
"Is that what I really look like?!"