
3D打印新技术 蜡像馆在你身边(组图)

2015-05-18 10:16



  The Kinect's role is crucial. Once researchers have put the object in the gripper, it measures its exact position and orientation in relation to where the 3D film will be placed. It's not until that information has been collected that the researchers can print the film on a standard inkjet printer, which will then include the necessary image deformations and account for the image stretch that will occur during the dip — ones that will make the final melded object look just right.


  In a video announcing the breakthrough, the Zhejiang University and Columbia University teams show off a printed tiger mask, zebra, single dip-globe and a 3D-printed cat. For the cat, the team performed three dips to wrap the initially monochrome kitten in a photo-realistic skin. The result has that uncanny valley problem of looking almost real, but not quite.


  There are some limitations. Researchers note that they cannot easily cover objects featuring highly concave surfaces or any surface that might be hidden from view or scanning. Color blending and precision is also a bit of a challenge, and when the film stretches out significantly, some color can become lighter than the original color.


  Even with those limitations, this relatively simple method for adding complex patterns and photo-real imagery to monochromatic 3D-printed objects shows promise. One can imagine someone scanning and printing a lifelike 3D model of a person's head, then using a high-res photograph to print out a face and sides, top and back of the head. Multiple computationally guided dips would then create a truly scary bust.


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