

2015-03-30 10:49



  6. Red meats


  Some foods like milk, peanut butter, and cheese contain healthy amounts of protein that promote a restful sleep. They are best taken with high-carbohydrate foods for an even better sleep. Red meats are rich in protein. While they are great for weight loss, they contain too much protein. If not paired with carbohydrates during a nighttime meal and when eaten in excess amounts, red meats and other high protein foods can prevent you from sleeping well. Unlike carbohydrates which are fairly easy to digest, the body has a hard time breaking down protein.


  7. Cereals


  Cereals are typically eaten during breakfast but some folks enjoy making snacks out of them throughout the day. Pairing them with milk in the evening is said to promote sleep, especially since milk has some protein and tryptophan. But this sleep-inducing effect depends largely on what kind of cereal you are eating before going to bed. Majority of the cereals available in the market today have excess amounts of sugar.


  The main reason why cereals are recommended for encouraging sleep is because it is a high-carbohydrate food. Carbohydrates are quite easy to digest so it doesn’t take much toll on your body during sleep. And because they are paired with milk, a food highly acclaimed for its benefits with regards to sleep, it is no wonder that some people would eat a bowl of cereal at night. Eating cereals rich in sugar unfortunately cancels these beneficial effects.


  8. Vegetables and fruits


  People say that vegetables are good for you. But this is not the case with some vegetables, especially when you’re trying to have a good night’s sleep.


  Cauliflower and broccoli make nice examples for this. These vegetables contain tryptophan, the same amino acid present in proteins that regulates sleep. Tryptophan does this by assisting in the production of serotonin, a hormone that induces sleepiness. Unfortunately, cauliflower and broccoli are also high in roughage. The roughage makes them difficult to digest. If you eat these vegetables too close to sleeping time, you will still be able to get some shut eye. But your body will take time in digesting them, preventing it from relaxing completely.


  Other vegetables that are high in fiber or roughage are bran, cabbage, leafy greens, celery, squash, beans, and white mushrooms. These are veggies you can freely enjoy throughout the day except at night. Some fruits like oranges and raspberries don’t make ideal bedtime snacks either.

  同类高纤维蔬菜还有麸、卷心菜、绿叶蔬菜、芹菜、南瓜、黄豆和白蘑菇等,这些蔬菜你可以在白天尽情享用,就是别在睡前吃好吗? 水果中有橙子、树莓等不适宜睡前食用。

  9. Sweets


  We all know that sweets give you that jolt of energy called a “sugar rush”. It is exactly this which will prevent you from sleeping early in the evening, and could keep you up for up to hours depending on the amount of sugar you consumed. But then you experience the “sugar crash” where you are left feeling tired or drained. By the time you hit the sack, you will have less hours of sleep – not what you need if you want to feel fully rested in the morning.


  10. Junk food


  You’re craving. Junk foods come in many forms. There are candy bars, potato chips, and fast food for starters. But because they are typically high in fats or sugars, giving in to your craving is actually a bad idea.


  11. Water


  Crazy, right? Drink too much water before bedtime you will curse yourself for the night to make several trips to the bathroom. You can keep yourself from drinking water at least 2 hours before bedtime.


  12. Sodas


  Carbonated sodas are bad for sleep due to a couple of reasons. They are acidic, they contain copious amounts of sugar, they are considered to be ‘junk foods’, and they have caffeine.


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