

2020-04-23 10:44



  世界读书日:15年前,联合国教科文组织把4月23日确定为“世界图书与版权日(又称“世界读书日”)。2005年4月23日是第10个“世界读书日”。自1995年世界读书日宣布以来,每年的这一天世界上100多个国家和地区在政府的支持下,出版机构、学校、图书馆、社区等各界人士都要开展丰富多彩的阅读日庆典活动,把读书日的宣传活动变成一场热热闹闹的欢乐节日。  但是,在中国,这个世界性的读书节还未被社会公众所知晓,更谈不上是节日。据搜狐读书网站2004年调查显示:知道“世界读书日”的人仅占6%,27%的人虽听说过但不知详情,67%的人从未听说过这个日子。

  World Book and Copyright Day 15 years ago, UNESCO to set April 23 as "World Book and Copyright Day (also known as" World Book and Copyright Day "). April 23, 2005 is the first 10" World Book and Copyright Day. "Since 1995 World Book and Copyright Day since the declaration of an annual day in the world more than 100 countries and regions in support of the Government, publishing organizations, schools, libraries, community circles should be carried out a variety of Reading Day celebrations, the Book and Copyright Day promotional activities into a bustling festive joy.  However, in China, the world's Reading Festival has not yet been known to the public, let alone a holiday. Study site in 2004, according to Sohu survey: know that "World Book Day" were only 6%, 27% of people had heard of, but I do not know the details though, 67% of people had never heard of this day.


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