

2019-12-10 14:36




  探亲访友 pay a visit to relatives and friends

  扫尘 sweep the dust

  买年货 buy necessity for Spring Festival

  欢度 celebrate... / the celebration of

  驱除厄运 get rid of bad luck

  年夜饭 the dinner on New Year's Eve

  团圆饭 family reunion dinner

  团聚  family reunion

  红包   red envelope

  发红包 hand out red envelopes

  美好祝福 good wishes, blessings

  中国菜  Chinese cuisine/food

  饮食文化 food culture

  色香味  color, aroma, and taste

  菜系  cooking style

  烹饪方法  cooking technique

  传统习俗 traditional custom 

  象征  symbolize/signify

  团结 unity

  繁荣兴旺 prosperity 

  仪式  ritual

  礼仪 manners

  优雅 elegance/elegant

  农历  lunar calendar

  灯谜  lantern riddles

  赏月 enjoy the moon;注意欣赏景色的赏,一般用enjoy


  近年来 in recent years;  over the last few years

  随着…的发展/提高 with the development/improvement of…

  出现 emergence;rise;advent

  显著地 dramatically

  极大地 greatly; significantly;tremendously;dramatically

  稳步(地) steadily;stably

  增长 increase;rise;grow

  调查显示 according to surveys:surveys show that

  商品 commodity

  付款 make a payment;pay a bill

  成本/费用/开支 cost

  增长率 growth rate

  可持续发展  sustainable development

  最发达地区 the most developed regions

  面积和人口   size and population

  聚集区 gathering area

  改革开放 reform and opening up

  主要经济区域 leading regional economies

  制造中心 manufacturing centers

  主要交通工具 main means of transportation

  具有…的优点 have the advantages of…

  高铁   high-speed train

  地铁站 subway station

  公共交通 public transport

  见证 witness

  超过 exceed 

  费用 expense

  基础设施 infrastructure

  生活水平 living standard

  平均收入 average income

  购买力 purchasing power

  网购  online shopping

  电商巨头 e-commerce giants


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