

2019-11-22 11:21



  ①The veteran runner was performing at the best of his career, and everyone else in the race ate his dust.


  ②We’ve been eating the competitor’s dust since they released their new line of smartphones.


  为了避免和eat one’s dust混淆,我们可以将“吃土”译为eat dirt/soil或live on dirt/soil。例如:

  ① 过完“双十一”,我就要“吃土”了。

  After November 11, I’ll have nothing but soil/dirt to eat.


  I spent too much money shopping online. It seems that I will have to live on dirt next month.

  BBC也是用eating soil表达了这一概念:

  The term eating soil also became a trending hashtag on Weibo, a common term in China for being so poor you could only afford dirt for meals.

  此外,“吃土”也可以借用英语现有的表达方法进行翻译,以求达意。英语中表达“不名一文”的词语有很多,比如penniless、poverty-stricken (一贫如洗)、not have a bean (身无分文)、stony-broke (身无分文)、flat broke (身无分文)、without two pennies to rub together (身无分文)、not to have a single penny left on (身无分文)、to be skint (身无分文)、on one’s uppers (穿着只剩下鞋帮、没有鞋底的鞋子,指穷困潦倒)、down and out (贫困潦倒)等等。

  ① 我如果失业了,我们就只能“吃土”了。

  If I were unemployed we wouldn’t have a bean to spend.

  ② 我宁愿“吃土”也不愿意干那种工作。

  I wouldn’t take that job even if I were skint.

  ① 我所有的钱都买iPhone6了,现在只有“吃土”了。

  I have spent all my money on this iPhone 6. Now I am stony-broke.


  其实,西方人也有类似的剁手节,比如美国感恩节后的Black Friday (黑色星期五)和Cyber Monday (网络星期一),以及英国的Boxing Day (节礼日)等。

  1. 黑色星期五(Black Friday)

  “黑色星期五”是感恩节(Thanksgiving Day,11月第四个星期四)后开业的第一天,也是人们圣诞购物季的开始(the start of the Christmas shopping season)。传统上,商家用不同颜色的墨水来记账,红色表示亏损即赤字(in the red),黑色表示盈利(in the black),Black Friday由此而来。对于商店员工来说,这一天忙忙碌碌,也是a black day。

  2. 网络星期一(Cyber Monday)

  网络星期一是感恩节假期之后的第一个上班日的网购促销活动,该词最早出现在2005年11月28日Shop.org网站发布的一条新闻:Cyber Monday Quickly Becoming One of the Biggest Online Shopping Days of the Year。和Black Friday不同的是,Cyber Monday只在网络上进行交易,参与主体也是小型零售商。

  3. 节礼日(Boxing Day)


  In the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, Boxing Day is primarily known as a shopping holiday … It is a time when shops hold sales often with dramatic price reductions. For many merchants, Boxing Day has become the day of the year with the greatest revenue.

  然而,从销售规模上来说,这些购物节都无法和双十一相比,CNN在对2016年双十一销售情况的报道中曾进行过比较:There’s no other shopping bonanza quite like Alibaba’s Singles Day, which has once again smashed records … The tech giant reported $17.8 billion in sales during this year’s frenzy, breaking the record of $14.3 billion set in 2015. That’s more than Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined.

  最后为大家奉上一组和网购相关的词语的英译:秒杀(seckilling)、预售(pre-sale)、红包(red envelopes)、优惠券(coupons)、包邮(free shipping)、七天无理由退货(7 days return)、山寨货(rip-offs/knock-offs/copycats/fakes)、差评(negative comment/feedback)、有货(in stock)、断货(out of stock)、上架新品(new product display)、品质保证(quality guarantee)、(电子)礼品卡(gift/egift cards)、加入购物车(add to cart)、下单(place your order)、快递(express delivery)、快递员(deliveryman/courier)、送货方式(shipping method)、限时抢购(flash sale)、海淘(buy products from overseas websites)、冲动购买(impulse buying)。


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