

2019-07-25 15:06



  Mr. Carrot often worry for the beard, but he happens to have a bushy mustache, you must shave every day.

  One day, Mr. Carrot rush shaved, eating bread and jam side streets go. Because he is nearsighted, we did not find a leak shaved beard. This is the root beard on the right side of the chin, Mr. carrot eating bread and jam when beard dipped into a sweet jam, for a beard, the jam is how good nutrition ah!

  SoMr carrot step by step when the root beard little by little becomes long, long look back at Mr. Carrot long way to go, you can know Mr. carrot root beard has grown more than long .

  Mr. Carrot continues to go as long beard was blown to the back of the body, Mr. carrot is completely unaware of.

  In the far corner, a boy flying a kite, kite line is too short, his kite was flying roof.

  Mr. Hu Zaigang carrots Fortunately the wind flying. "It's a long enough rope, just do not know enough strong."

  Having little boy tugged at the beard, Mr. carrots immediately felt someone pull him back. The boy has been determined that the rope strong enough, and to cut some to fly a kite.

  Mr. Carrot continue to move forward, and when he walked beneath the bird family tree wife, Mrs. Bird is looking for a rope hanging bird diapers. Mr. Hu Zaigang carrots Fortunately the wind flying.

  So, Mrs. Bird cut a long period of beard, in the middle of the two branches of the Department, "This is just great, I finally found a long enough rope up."

  Mr. Carrot has to go this way, he has a long beard, when Mr. Carrot walked into an optical shop, his beard is no longer crazy as long. Because of the way the beard came in many uses, is not so long, hung on his shoulder, Mr. carrots begin to pay for his myopia buy glasses.

  Miss cabbage optical shop is a very clever girl, while she gave Mr. carrots glasses, while saying: "If you are afraid of accidentally fell glasses, then tied a rope to the eyeglass frame, and then hung around the neck . "Miss cabbage said these words, Flanagan beard tied glasses.

  When Mr. Carrot glasses accidentally fall down from the nose, his beard tied glasses. Mr. Carrot said: "My beard is great."

  Yes, sir carrot beard really is fantastic, everyone said so.











  眼镜店的白菜小姐是个非常机灵的女孩,她一边给胡萝卜先生戴上眼镜,一边说:“ 如果你怕不小心把眼镜摔了,那么就在眼镜框上系一根绳子,然后挂在脖子上。”白菜小姐说这些话的时候,用那根胡子系住了眼镜。




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