

2019-06-11 10:19



美剧 英剧 权利的游戏 行尸走肉 生活大爆炸

  A sprawling, insanely pricey fantasy TV series based on a fictional universe that was introduced in a series of incredibly popular and famously long and complex books?


  And books, at that, by an author with a double-R middle initial? No, it's not George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones. Instead, it's a prequel to J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings saga, soon to become an Amazon Prime original series.

  那么书呢,是由一个中间有两个R开头的作者写的吗?不,这不是乔治·R·R·马丁的《权力的游戏》。相反,它是 J.R.R.托尔金的《指环王》的前传,很快就会成为亚马逊的主打原创系列。

  Amazon bought the global TV rights to Tolkien's (it's pronounced Tol-KEEN) Lord of the Rings saga, though what exactly the company will do with those rights could evolve. Right now plans are for a multiseason series set in that pre-Fellowship time period called The Second Age.


  But there may be more than one show: Amazon's initial press release noted that the deal includes a potential additional spin-off series. Our guess is we'll have to see how the first show does before going there.


  And that first show will be around for a while: The deal requires Amazon to commit to five seasons, as well as begin production within two years. Since the deal was announced in November 2017, expect to hear some news on the series before November 2019.


  In a 2018 interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Amazon Studios head Jennifer Salke said the company hopes to air the show sometime in 2021.


  Salke also told Deadline that the new show could return to New Zealand, where the Peter Jackson movies were shot.


  "I think we might be in New Zealand. I don't know," she said. "But we're going to have to go somewhere interesting that could provide those locations in a really authentic way, because we want it to look incredible."



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