

2019-04-11 16:12




  Sansa meeting Dany: “Sansa sees her as the foreign interloper. She trusts her family and no one else. You can see from Sansa’s view that Jon went to meet with this southern queen who burned her grandfather and uncle alive and suddenly Jon bent the knee to her. She’s also very pretty, and how much does that factor in? Sansa starts off this season very suspicious and not at all friendly with Dany.”


  Tyrion and Sansa’s reunion: “You have to address the elephant in the room of her abandoning him. What did she know and when did she know it? There’s that awkwardness and yet also Tyron realizes how far Sansa has come, she’s no longer that scared little girl, that she’s very much a player.”



  Arya and Jon’s reunion: “They’re the two Starks that had the clearest connection in the pilot. He gave her Needle. He knew she was back last season but couldn’t do anything about it. Those scenes are always interesting and fun to write but also tense because you want to do right by these characters, but you can’t have them do what they would naturally do — “tell me what happened to you,” because it would be boring for everybody. You have to emotionally convey that information without having to detail it. The first two episodes, in particular, are tough because they’re so contained and have so many characters. It’s hard to script when you sometimes have 6 or 7 characters all in the same room and to give each their due while having it progress organically and not be 10 pages and a lot of recapping information just because there are some things some characters don’t know.”


  Jon finding out his parentage: “One of the things Jon always clung to is that at least his father is Ned Stark — this incredibly honorable beautiful man. Ned was his idol growing up. Now ‘my father is not my father, my father lied to me, and I’m actually the thing I want to be least in this world — an heir to the Iron Throne and a rival to the woman I love.’”


  Jaime Lannister arrives at Winterfell and sees Bran Stark;


  The one character going against the come-together grain, meanwhile, remains Cersei (Lena Headey, at her imperious best), who doesn't seem to mind seeing much of the world burn as long as she winds up surviving.



  据网友统计,“权游”大约有 330 个有名有姓的角色,存活时间从 11 秒到 57 小时 15 分钟不等,中位数约为 28 小时 48 分钟。到第七季结束时,已有 186 人死亡,死亡率达 56.4% ,多数角色都因创伤(73.7%)、烧伤(11.8%)或中毒(4.8%)死亡,大部分因袭击(63.0%)或战争(24.4%)造成。





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