
《驯龙高手3》热映 背后的故事你了解多少?

2019-03-04 10:04



美剧 英剧 权利的游戏 行尸走肉 生活大爆炸



  1. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is a 2019 American computer-animated action fantasy film loosely based on the book series of the same name by Cressida Cowell, produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures.

  How-to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World


  computer-animated 电脑动画的

  action 动作

  fantasy 幻想,奇幻

  base on 基于…

  DreamWorks Animation 梦工厂动画

  distribute 发行

  Universal Pictures 环球影业


  2. It is the sequel to How to Train Your Dragon 2(2014) and the final installment in the How to Train Your Dragon film trilogy.

  sequel 续集,续篇

  final 最终的

  installment 一部

  trilogy 三部曲


  3. The website's critical consensus reads, "The rare trilogy capper that really works, How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World brings its saga to a visually dazzling and emotionally affecting conclusion."

  critical 评论的

  consensus 一致的意见,共识

  rare 少见的,罕见的

  capper 封口的一部(三部曲中最后一部)

  saga 传奇,传说

  visually 视觉上地

  dazzling 耀眼的,光彩夺目的

  emotionally 情感上地

  affecting 感人的,动人的

  4. DeBlois is just as clear and insistent that The Hidden World will mark the last foray for the characters, completing the film trilogy. "I wanted to give this a definitive end," he says.

  insistent 坚持的,坚决要求的

  mark 表明,标示

  foray 冒险

  character 角色,人物

  complete 使完满,完成

  definitive 明确的,确定的,决定性的

  5."Our narratives are quite different. But we will explain why dragons have disappeared into legend," says Deploys. "And there are still questions: Could dragons come back? Are dragons still around? All of these will be answered in the third film."

  narrative 叙事手法

  disappear 消失

  legend 传说



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