2019-02-13 13:49
截至2月13日13时,《流浪地球》票房已突破26.83亿元。还有望持续增长啊, 这个真的厉害了,你们是不是也贡献了票房?
The story takes place in an apocalyptic future where, as the sun dies, the world government decides to physically move Earth away from destruction and embark on a centuries-long voyage to a new solar system. But humanity is threatened with annihilation almost immediately, when scientists discover that Earth is on an apparent collision course with Jupiter.
《流浪地球》是不折不扣的一部科幻片,片名翻译为 The Wandering Earth。
科幻:science fiction
科幻片:science fiction film 或者 science fiction movie
简称 a sci-fi film/ movie
① 我原来以为家在身后,现在才知道:家,在前面。
I thought home was behind us. Now I realized that home is ahead of us.
② 无论最终结果将人类历史导向何处,我们决定,选择希望!
Regardless of the outcome for the history of mankind, we have decided to choose hope.
③ 让人类始终保持理智,是一种奢望。
It is impossible to ask human beings to keep rational.
④ 道路千万条,安全第一条。行车不规范,亲人两行泪。
Among tens of thousands of matters, safety is the very first one. Irregular operations will make your loved ones shed tears.
Three, two, one. Look up!
⑥ 人类的勇气和坚毅必将被镌刻在星空之下。
The mankind’s courage and resolution will be witnessed and remembered by stars.
⑦ 希望是像钻石一样珍贵的东西!希望,希望是我们唯一回家的方向。
Hope is as precious as diamond, which is the only way home.
⑧ 没有人类的文明毫无意义。
Without human beings, civilization would be meaningless.
⑨ 同归于尽总好过坐以待毙。
Dying in fighting is better than dying in waiting.
⑩ 跨过晨昏线,便是永夜。
Across the terminator is the everlasting night.