2018-12-20 11:18
51. diversification 分散投资
52. dividends 红利
53. document of title 物权单据
54.double mortgage 双重抵押
55. Documents against Acceptance,D/A 承兑交单
56. Documents against Payment,D/P 付款交单
57. domestic correspondent 国内通汇银行
58. domestic deposit 国内存款
59. domestic exchange 国内汇兑
60. double leasing 双重租赁
61. documentary collection 跟单托收
62. double option 双向期权
63. Dow Jones average 道·琼斯平均数
64. down payment 首期
65. downgrade 降级
66. downside 下降趋势
67. downtick 跌点交易
68. Dragon card 龙卡
69. draw 提款
70. draw cheque 签发票据
71. drawee bank 付款银行
72. drawing account 提款帐户
73. dual exchange market 双重外汇市场
74. dual trading 双重交易
75. due from other funds 应收其他基金款
76. electronic cash 电子现金
77. dumping 抛售
Implicit deflator 隐性通货紧缩指数
Import quota 进口配额
Import tariff 进口关税
In-the-money 价内(期权)
Incentive site 鱼饵网点(互联网)
Income tax 所得税;入息税;薪俸税
Indemnification 赔偿
Indexed performance 指数表现
Indicative price 指示性价格
Industrail and Commercial Consolidated Tax 工商统一税
Information memorandum 资料备忘录
Information technology 信息科技
Initial Conversion Premium 初次转换溢价
Initial Public Offering 首次公开招股发行
Insider trading 内幕交易
Institutional investor 机构投资者
Intangible asset 无形资产
Intellectual property (IP) 知识产权
Interest Rate Swap 利率掉期
Intergovernmental loan 政府间贷款
Interim report 中期报告
Intermediary 中介机构; 中介人
International Accounting Standards 国际会计准则
International Finance 国际融资
International Market 国际市场
International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金
International Monetary Market 国际货币市场
International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织
International Trust & Investment Corp. 国际信托投资公司(国投公司)