

2018-12-18 11:41



  NEW YORK (AP) -- A new study that analyzed four years’ worth of films found that female-led movies have consistently outperformed those in which men get top billing.


  The study analyzed the 350 top-grossing films worldwide released between January 2014 and December 2017. Researchers found that in films with small, medium and large budgets, all averaged better global grosses when a woman was listed as the lead star.


  Conducted by the talent agency Creative Artists Agency and the tech company shift7, the study found that films that passed the Bechdel test do better, too. The Bechdel test, an invention of the cartoonist Alison Bechdel, rates whether a movie features two female characters having a conversation about something other than a man.

  这项由人才经纪公司创新艺人(CAA)和科技公司shift7开展的研究发现,能够通过贝克德尔测试的电影,成绩也更好。贝克德尔测试是漫画家艾莉森.贝克德尔(Alison Bechdel)的发明,用来评判一部电影中是否有两个女性角色谈论过除男人以外的事情。

  Researchers found every $1 billion film at the box office — including films like "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," ’’Jurassic World" and "Beauty and the Beast" — passed the Bechdel test. Among films that cost more than $100 million to make, the ones that passed the Bechdel test grossed on average $618 million worldwide, while those that didn’t averaged $413 million.


  "Women comprise half the box office, yet there has been an assumption in the industry that female-led films led were generally less successful," CAA agent Christy Haubegger, who participated in the research, said in a statement. "We found that the data does not support that assumption."


  For budget data and determining lead actor, researchers depended on data from the Nielsen’s box-office data collection company Gracenote. Gracenote’s Studio System defines a "female lead" as a woman who is listed first in official press materials.


  Of the 350 films studied, 105 qualified as female-led and 245 registered as male-led. The greatest gap was in larger budgeted films. In movies with a budget greater than $100 million, there were 75 male-led films and 19 female-led films.


  The study was conceived through a group that formed through the gender equality initiative Time’s Up, including Amy Pascal, former chairman of Sony Pictures. Earlier research by academics has chronicled similar rates of inequality in top-grossing Hollywood releases, and the financial benefits of inclusion .

  这项研究是通过一个名为“时间到了”(Time’s Up)的性别平等倡议组织发起的,该组织由索尼影业前董事长艾米.帕斯卡尔(Amy Pascal)等人组成。早些时候,学者们的研究记录了收入最高的好莱坞电影中收入不平等的比例,以及包容带来的经济效益。


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