

2018-09-28 10:39



  Game of Thrones will air its final season in 2019, but the author of the source material says that wasn't his call. In an interview with Variety on the Emmys red carpet Monday night, author George R.R. Martin said he could have seen the show going on for a whopping 13 seasons.


  When asked why the show is ending, he responded, “I don't know! Ask [showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss] when they come through. We could have gone to 11, 12, 13 seasons, but I guess they wanted a life,” he joked. “You know, if you've read my novels, you know there was enough material for more seasons. They made certain cuts, but that's fine.”

  被问到为什么《权利的游戏》会终结时,马丁说:“我不知道!问制作人David Benioff and D.B. Weiss吧。我们本来还想做11、12、13季,但是我猜他们想要个期限。”马丁开玩笑说:“如果你读过我的作品,就会知道里面有很多伏笔,还可以写很多季。他们做了删减,我也能接受。”

  “[Benioff and Weiss] have been saying for like five years that seven seasons was all they would go, and we got them to go to eight, but not any more than that,” Martin said. “There was a period five years ago where they were saying seven seasons, and I was saying 10 seasons, and they won. They're the ones actually working on it.”


  But even though the series is ending, Martin doesn't want any spinoff series. “I think this story ends when it is, and I know all the actors, as great as they are, are anxious to get on and play other roles,” he said. “They don't want to spend their lives playing one role, and that's fine.”



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